NON LINEAR is the ultimate creative film school, designed to allow young people within London the chance to learn the skills required for a career in the creative industries where passion and energy are harnessed rather than a focus on qualifications.
The design for the wordmark reflected that raw passion and energy, with a tactile quality that feels used, a living identity, not overly digital.

Passion, energy and focus
At the core of the identity for NON LINEAR we created a colour palette that feels fresh and energetic and that gives instant brand recognition.

True grit
Our approach to photography and film within the brand was to reflect the raw grain and grit of the wordmark and its home in East London. Allowing the photography to be a further extension of the brand’s voice.

A non linear approach
NON LINEAR is a course that takes a different approach to teaching, therefore we used this concept to create a ‘non linear’ approach to image and film by combining abstracted overlays of moving image.

A dynamic pathway
The course is designed to attract people from an eclectic range of backgrounds, who might otherwise not be attracted to the conventional schools of learning.
The NON LINEAR brand feels accessible and genuine whilst having its own attitude and a voice to inspire a new generation of film makers and creatives.